WEEK 5 – At a Glance

Announcements: Oncourse and Career Services (USCO)

Lecture 9 Evaluation / Lecture 10 Evaluation

Reading Assignments:

Chapters 17, 18, 19

Lab 5 Counseling Session:

Review Projects

Lecture 9:

The Interview Process and Career Service Offices


P8: Tell Me Interview Presentation

P9: Interview Questions

Lecture 10:

Online Interview Tools

Packaging the Truth

X420 Lecture Schedule


Discussion Sessions Schedule


After SCOOP…

Once SCOOP ends, we return to the lecture format.  Lectures are in the large lecture room, BU219, and are taught by the X420 faculty with outside guests from time to time. You are expected to attend every lecture session.


Lectures are at your regularly scheduled lecture time. You should download the warm-up question from your Oncourse mail, answer it, and bring it to class to turn in for bonus attendance points.

An evaluation is conducted at the end of class.  Log your answers onto your warm-up question sheet.


Lectures are designed to provide you information topics that are relevant to your career strategies. The topics match the textbook table of contents and may be delivered by external guest lecturers and/or your professors. Lectures are 75 minutes and will occur each Tuesday and Thursday at your regular class time.


The lecture PowerPoint slides (if used) will be available the day of the presentation. The lecture schedule will show a hot link to the PowerPoint presentation. Listed below are four PowerPoint lectures that complement guest speakers and the textbook. You will find them valuable in completing your projects.


Ø      Preparing a Winning Interview Strategy

Ø      Presenting Your Interview Case

Ø      Addressing Common Interview Issues

Ø      Behavioral Interviewing


In order to maintain flexibility with the schedules of busy executives, we might occasionally adjust the lecture schedule. Please be understanding. Changes will appear in both the Oncourse schedule and in Oncourse announcements.


Lecture 9: The Interview Process and Career Service Offices

“Why should I hire you?” Be prepared to reply with answers that tell about your motivation, values, interests, personality, ambitions, and other qualities that go beyond a recitation of your skills. A quality presentation demands hours of advanced planning. Your goal is to prepare a sales presentation that implies that you are the single best qualified job applicant. The best plan is to know exactly what to say under all circumstances. We wrap up with three video mock interviews.

Lecture 9 Topics:

Ø      Presentation Planning: Research Plan

Ø      Twenty Questions: What to Expect

Ø      Control the Flow: Anticipate

Ø      Stress Interviews: Nerve Reduction

Ø      Know the Employer: Employer Profiles

Ø      Predictors of Success: Why You?

Ø      Your Body Talks: Non-Verbal Talk

Ø      Use Stories: Examples Sizzle

Ø      Interviewee Questions: What Counts to You?

Ø      Selling Techniques: Your message sells!


Lecture 10: Part 1 – Online Interview Tools

In today’s world more and more companies are utilizing the Internet for a variety of purposes. Many companies are using online interviewing as a method to expedite their hiring process. Guest lecturers from various corporations present information about this technique. Their insights and tips prove very helpful to your job-hunting process. Evaluation of your talents from data that you submit online is becoming a very important selection tool for many employers.

Lecture 10 – Part 1 Topics:

Ø      Defining Online Interviewing: A Selection Tool

Ø      What Employers Evaluate in Online Interviewing: Traits

Ø      Prepare for an Online Interview: What is Key?

Ø      Controlling Techniques: Preparation & Preparation

Ø      Behavioral Interview Techniques: Past Job History

Ø      Selection Instruments: Fit?

Ø      Bio-data Collection: Facts?

Ø      Interviewer Training: Guides

Ø      Interview Guidelines: Focus

Ø      Interview Examples: Practice


Lecture 10: Part 2 – Packaging the Truth

Interview management is accomplished via an advance plan, a carefully rehearsed presentation, and precise execution followed by a thorough critique. This bold strategy sets goal for every two- to four-minute element of the interview. Nothing is left to chance. Your plan maintains control of the total information exchange which permits you to deliver only positive, relevant information for the interviewer’s decision. By addressing issues before they are perceived as limitations, you thwart all negative objections to your background. By anticipating the interviewer’s final evaluation, you strongly influence the written record of the interview.

Lecture 10 - Part 2 Topics:

Ø      Controlling Techniques: Execute a Plan

Ø      Situational Approaches: Credibility

Ø      Interview Phases: Do it Right

Ø      Do’s and Don’ts: Success Hints

Ø      Evaluation Forms: Assessment Results

Ø      Competencies Evaluated: Qualifications

Ø      Attitudes Influence Most: Why You?

Ø      S.T.A.R.: Result Matter

Ø      Knock-out Factors: Tips

Ø      ZAP Interviews: Planned Performance


Lab Counseling Session – Lab 5

General Project Directions:

Ø      Send projects as an attachment via Oncourse Messenger Email to your Career Counselor.

Ø      Send to your Career Counselor before your lab appointment.

Ø      Bring a copy with you to the appointment so your Career Counselor can mark on it with you present.

Ø      Counselor will grade, sign, and return at your appointment time for verification.

Ø      Save your projects. They could be useful to you later. Be prepared to make an oral presentation to your counselor on your project.


Follow project directions carefully. See full descriptions of projects in project section.

You must attend your assigned lab for review of your projects.


Career Resources (UCSO) / Career Links (on Oncourse)

Ø      Use textbook as a resource for your projects.

Ø      Many career-related websites follow your textbook Table of Contents structure.

Ø      The UCSO Career Resources also provides links to helpful research resources.

Ø      Career Links is a more extensive list of research websites.


Project 8: Tell Me Interview Presentation

Always number this as Project 8, not by the number of projects you have turned in.

Overview: (See full descriptions of projects in project section)

Many students are extremely nervous about the job interview. They want to make a good impression but have no idea what questions will likely be asked or what the recruiters are looking for. The goal of this project is to assist you in preparing for interviews by providing you with a more in-depth view of what is expected of you during an interview.


If you have already interviewed this organization or currently work there, you can adapt this project to fit another non-interview situation. Just pretend that you are talking to your new supervisor after one year on the job and are making a case for your promotion to the next higher-level assignment. You want your boss to recommend you for the promotion and you are telling him what you want him to write in recommending you to the new manager.


The most common interview question is “Tell me about yourself.” The purpose of this project is to prepare you for the inevitable question.

Project Instructions:

Actual project instructions are located in the Projects Section of the syllabus.


Project 9: Interview Questions and Answers

Always number this as Project 9, not by the number of projects you have turned in.

Overview: (See full descriptions of projects in project section)

The interview is your chance to personally sell yourself to the employer by highlighting your personality and competencies as they relate to the job description. Determining in advance what types of questions might be asked of you and how you would respond to those questions is critical to successful interviewing. The goal of this project is to provide skills in interview preparation by familiarizing you with the various types and categories of interview questions used by recruiters. By combining the textbook materials, the PowerPoint lectures, any Discussion Sessions that you attend, tests, and web research, you should be able to respond to the questions typically asked in interviews.

Project Instructions:

Actual project instructions are located in the Projects Section of the syllabus.


Discussion Sessions

Review this week’s schedule by clicking above. These topics, lead by a Discussion Leader, are designed to provide you with skills that are very helpful in your career activities. Choose topics that best enhance your career needs. Some are focused on the early stages of career planning while others focus on on-the-job advancement strategies.


Discussion Sessions begin at 5:30 p.m. and one repeats at 7:00 p.m. Please follow the Discussion Schedule for dates and room numbers


The numbers listed before the name of each program are the actual numbers that you need to mark on your activity sheet for credit.