Professional Staff Evaluation


Kelley School of Business




This document discusses the objectives and procedures to be followed in the annual review procedure for professional staff members in the Kelley School of Business.





The annual review procedure is intended to meet several key objectives:


1.      It provides a regular method for staff to receive feedback regarding their performance and their positions.


2.      It provides a regular opportunity for the staff member to discuss personal career objectives and aspirations.


3.      It provides an opportunity for periodic review of job content in professional staff positions by the incumbent, the immediate supervisor and the Dean’s Office.


4.      It provides a regular opportunity to incorporate the career objectives of particular staff members into the overall organizational plan.


5.      It provides for systematized review by the Dean’s Office of activities and staffing in various administrative offices.


6.      It provides for documented record of the review of professional staff. The record will be useful to new supervisors and to existing supervisors should professional staff change positions and supervisors.


7.      It serves as a Development Instrument for the staff member.


The staff evaluation system is intended to be a vehicle for positive, constructive discussion with regard to employee performance and job content. It is intentionally separated from the annual salary process in order to improve objectivity and increase the breadth of discussion. It is expected that benefits from this process will be received by the staff member, by the immediate supervisor, and by the organization as a whole. The achievement of these goals obviously requires a consistent view of what is intended as well as the cooperation of those who participate in the process. The procedure for managing the annual review process is designed to proceed as follows:


1.      During the spring semester of each year the Dean will distribute information related to the annual review to each employee and to the employee’s immediate supervisor. This information will describe the process and deadlines for use in that particular year; job descriptions will be evaluated periodically to ensure consistency with current job content. As part of the process of notification the Dean’s Office will ask:

A.      Immediate Supervisors: who will be this year’s evaluation of staff in your area of responsibility?

B.     Individual Employees: who is best suited to judge your job performance? For some positions the evaluation may be a joint responsibility of more than one supervisor.

The Dean’s Office will collect the responses to these questions and make decisions as to responsibility for the evaluation where differences are noted between supervisor and employee.


2.      By the end of the spring semester the Dean shall distribute to supervisors and staff members copies of the evaluation form and instructions to be used for that year. Staff members and administrators shall independently fill in all parts of the evaluation form without consultation with each other. It is important that the supervisor think about each employee’s job and performance prior to discussing that performance with the individual. A procedure of requiring two forms to be completed ensures that both parties treat the procedure seriously.


3.      The supervisor schedules a meeting with each employee to discuss the evaluation. Such meetings should take place no later than July 15th of that year. The employee and supervisor discuss their independently-prepared conclusions and evaluations during this meeting. The meeting should be structured to permit the employee to express a sense of accomplishments, strengths, and weaknesses. The supervisor should respond to each of these evaluations and initiate discussion of additional factors. The discussion process should include elements of job content as well as job performance. Suggestions for improvement in either job content or job performance should be offered by either the supervisor or the employee. The discussion is intended to be open and frank. The range of topics to be discussed is intentionally broad to permit a balanced discussion of employee strengths, weaknesses, and of job content. At the option of either the employee or the supervisor the evaluation process may be supplemented by the addition of one or both of the following:

A.      The employee may provide the supervisor with a set of planned accomplishments for the next year, as a way of focusing the discussion and the following year’s evaluation on the set of activities of particular importance to the employee. In the discussion of these plans the supervisor should indicate the extent to which he/she considers the employee’s plans to be consonant with the organizational goals and the supervisor’s own view of the needed achievements for the next year. Additionally, the supervisor may prepare a statement of his/her goals for the employee or the organizational unit for the next year. Either of the items discussed in this paragraph may be included as a part of the formal evaluation; in addition, they should be retained by both parties to the evaluation to assist in subsequent appraisals.

B.     At the option of either the supervisor or the employee a neutral third party can be invited to participate in the discussion. This option should be followed when a staff member has significant interaction with more than one supervisor, or in any instance where the employee or the supervisor would feel more comfortable with a third participant in the evaluation. The inclusion of a third party in the process requires the consent of both the supervisor and the employee.


4.      Following the discussion, the supervisor completes the cover sheet of the performance appraisal form based on the discussion with the employee and attaches the evaluation form prepared by both evaluator and employee. This cover sheet is signed and sent to the employee for review. If the employee desires, he/she may choose to write an additional commentary on the cover sheet. The evaluation is signed by the employee and returned to the evaluator. The employee should retain a copy for his/her records.


5.      When the steps above are complete, the Dean’s Office collects copies of the completed evaluation form from the responsible supervisor. Once the information is complete, the Dean schedules a meeting with the supervisor to discuss the evaluations and organizational plans for the coming year. This additional level of review provides current information to the Dean’s Office regarding organizational needs and structure, and job performance of individual staff members.



6.      Experience has shown that there are occasional instances where either the staff member or the supervisor (or both) chooses not to participate in the evaluation process. In such instances the following procedures will apply:

A.      Both parties choose not to participate: Both parties should so indicate at the time that evaluation materials are distributed by returning a brief note of explanation to the Dean.

B.     Employee chooses not to participate: The employee should notify the Dean as in A above who will, in turn, notify the supervisor of the employee’s choice. The supervisor may elect to submit his/her evaluation to the Dean without the employee’s self-evaluation or the discussion session. The Dean will be responsible for reading the supervisor’s evaluation, sending it to the employee for additional comment and deciding if additional action is required, based on the content of the evaluation.

C.     Supervisor chooses not to participate: In this instance, the employee should submit his/her self-evaluation direct to the Dean who will, in turn, read it and submit it to the supervisor for additional comment. As above, the Dean will decide if any additional action is necessary based on the situation.


7.      Information included in these appraisals is considered to be confidential. Such information is not to be shared with other staff members, or with faculty without the approval of the staff member involved. Information collected for this process will similarly be treated as confidential at the Dean’s level.


8.      Should the employee desire, a copy of the evaluation will be sent to the University Human Resource Office. Lacking a specific request to do so, copies of the evaluation will be retained by the employee, the supervisor, and the Dean’s Office.


The specific evaluation form to be used is attached. It is comprised of three parts:


A.      A summary worksheet that permits the employee to express feelings about individual strengths, areas for improvement, the job, and goals for the coming year.

B.     A similar summary worksheet that permits the evaluator to express similar feelings about the individual’s strengths, weaknesses, and job performance.

C.     A cover sheet to be prepared upon the completion of the meeting between evaluator and staff member. The cover sheet provides opportunity for additional commentary and the signatures of both parties.


Additional instructions to complete this process may be included with the forms that are sent out. Once completed, each of the three items is to be included in the performance evaluation sent to the Dean. As indicated above, supplementary material may also be provided.


To be effective, this procedure requires a seriousness of purpose and consistency over time. To encourage such seriousness and consistency, the procedure will be administered and supported by the Dean’s Office. A Task Force of staff and supervisors will meet annually to evaluate the recently completed evaluation system. Responsibility for coordinating both of these activities lies with the Dean’s Office.

Professional Staff Evaluation

Kelley School of Business


Supervisor’s Assessment


Staff Member:







Employee’s particular

strengths in areas noted


Areas for Evaluation


Items needing improvement in areas noted.




Planning & Organizing















Judgment &

Decision Making






& Attitude





Dealing with People





Skills:  Oral,

Written, Technical








My goals and expectations for this staff member for the coming year:






















Other comments:
























Supervisor’s Signature






Please take this assessment to the meeting with the staff member. It will be included with the staff member’s evaluation.

Kelley School of Business

Professional Staff Evaluation Summary


Report of Meeting


Staff Member:


Date of Meeting:








Supervisor Comments following meeting:























Staff member comments following meeting (if any):

























This report, with copies of staff member self assessment and supervisor assessment is due in the Office of the Dean by July 15, XXXX.

Professional Staff Evaluation

Kelley School of Business


Staff Self-Assessment


Staff Member:







Employee’s particular

strengths in areas noted


Areas for Evaluation


Items needing improvement in areas noted.




Planning & Organizing















Judgment &

Decision Making






& Attitude





Dealing with People





Skills:  Oral,

Written, Technical








My goals and directors for this coming year:















I feel the following changes in my job environment and/or work assignments would help me improve my performance:















Things I like best about my job:
















Staff Member Signature






Please take this assessment to the meeting with the staff member. It will be included with the staff member’s evaluation.